Thursday, November 13, 2014

Awesome yard art

I... am... Iron... Man!

It's been a while since I've posted pictures of the wonderful yard art around Asheville. That ends right here, right now.

Here's a unicycler located a few hills away from our house. 

Is he alive or his he dead? You tell me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. His name's Uniman actually, but you can call him Ironman if you like (SABBATH!). He is, however, very much alive. There's actually another component to him that has yet to be installed here in his new home. You can sit on a seat opposite him which has a set of pedals. They're linked to him, so when you pedal, he pedals. Also, when the Gods of Electronics are happy, his motorcycle-tail-light-heart does a double flash-flash with each revolution of his unicycle wheel. He will be very much alive then.

    He was built as a temporary installation for the 2011 iteration of Art on the Atlanta Beltline. He lived there for about 6 months, and then in a pile in our garage in Atlanta for a while. We moved to West Asheville in April, and he had to come out of the garage and get some mountain air. Now I just have to get off my butt and finish rebuilding him. : )

    Thanks for posting!

    - Will
