Sunday, November 16, 2014

There's a peanut on your roof

I love yard work. I hang outside in the sunshine, work weird muscles that only come into play when shoveling mulch around 33-degree corners, and try not to step in dog poo.

You know, living the dream. The only thing I miss is improvising with funny people. The last part of that sentence is the tricky one. I'll figure it out, but I'd better do so soon before I lose all my marbles. (I only have a few left. One is glittery pink, which I can't stand.)

Anyway, there's been a lot going down in the backyard at 54 Madeline lately, but before I catch you up on everything, I had to stop my diligent work to show you what happened as I was shoveling mulch yesterday.

Just like Batman, kind of

Every now and again, as if it was a ghost floating in the wind, I heard Peanut's meow. I looked around, but he was nowhere to be found. As soon as I would pick my shovel back up, I would hear it again.


Then I looked up. There he was, that idiot.

"How did you get up there?" I asked. "More importantly, how the f*ck are you going to get down?"

So cuddly, so dangerous, so destructive

We figured out how to get him down, but a minute later, he was right back up there.

"Suit yourself, idiot," someone might have said.

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