Thursday, December 4, 2014

Woo hoo! Back in the saddle, baby!

Wow. That was a long three months.

But it's over. And I promise to be more careful. I swear. A lot. Maybe too f***ing much, but that's not the point.

So, while out on my first ride since wiping out so bad I needed surgery, I decided to take my second or third selfie ever. I was so excited, I sent the picture to my two favorite biking buddies  even though I haven't seen one of them in 20 years.

Not that he needs to get his *ss down here right now or anything like that. (Cough, cough. Turn. Cough. Cough.)

The other recipient of my wonderful selfie was my bike sensei, Jason. His response was awesome.

"Keep the rubber side down, my man," he said.

How true. Because the last time I was out on my bike  three f***ing months ago  the rubber side was above my head. Then below it. Then above it. And then below it again.

Then 10 feet away in a bush.

As I said, it was a wipeout. But that's all in the past, baby. Onward and upward! Because all that matter is that today, I was able to get back on my bike.

Therefore, I leave you with a what may become my tagline: Where your helmet.

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