Monday, March 3, 2014

More Asheville beer, kind of

Sure, Bill Murray got there a long, long time ago, but Ms. February obviously likes me.

A lot.

Notes for Mom
That was a joke. Click the link above.

Nope. That's your email.

Click the words underneath the picture. Those words are a hyperlink. Hyper...

Forget it. I love you. Just call me.

Enough family issues. Let's get to the beer, shall we?

Because I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but Asheville was voted Beer City USA not just in 2009, but also in 2010. And 2011!


In 2012, we shared the honor with Grand Rapids.

Whatever. I suppose we have to give them something to live for. After all, they live in Michigan.

Five annual beer festivals or five feet of snow? You make the call.

As a huge IPA fan -- some might say aficionado -- I dig this Foothills Brewing IPA right back. It's not exactly local, but it's a beer brewed right here in wonderful Winston Salem, NC, so that's good enough for me.

Look for more local brew reviews coming soon!

* Feel free to copyright this if your name is Pete and you've done something semi-impressive anywhere between two and four times.

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