Saturday, June 7, 2014

Five-leaf clover

Can you believe it?

You've met Spring and Molly before. But you don't know their awesome back story. So here it is.

They moved in next door a week before we arrived. But they didn't come from up north, like we did. Quite the opposite. Before they lived here, Spring and Molly lived in the South Pole.

Or do you say they lived on the South Pole? Near it?

Who cares. The point is that they did a few stints working long contracts in a place that very few of us will ever see in person.

Most of their stories start out with "It was pitch dark for days..." Or "It was minus four hundred degrees for days..." Or a reference to a place called Hoth.

Three reasons why I'll never go there. I did a google image search, good enough for me. Off to the beach we go.

Anyhoo, in the last six months, Spring has found tons of four-leaf clovers. The other day, she brought over the five-leaf badboy pictured above. Can you believe it?

Some say the odds are one in a million.

She calls it her "unprofitable Rain Man talent."

I disagree. Since Spring gave Barb and me so many of these clovers, even though I was going to win the Megamillions lottery anyway, I'll share some of the money with her*.

Even if we don't win for a while, we're still the luckiest people on the planet.

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